Friday, April 1, 2011

Election Day minus 31- Opening Day

Day 7 - Play Ball. The Blue Jays are feasting on the Twinkies as I write, 11 to 3 in the 8th inning. There is a big crowd 50K or so, just like back in the early '90s, and they look pretty good for a bunch of kids. There was an E5 for our third baseman, Jays fans will know what I mean.
In the political games, they are still debating the debate. Do the Greens get a seat at the leaders debate table? I'm thinking that people are tiring of the whole green thing, and maybe the Greens are just splitting the votes of the leftist statist parties so that the rightist statist party gets in. As for me, statists are statists, it makes no difference.
Talking about statists, the CBC Vote Compass thing I wrote about earlier in the week is still making the news. The CBC claims that their vote discerning tool is unbiased. Of course it is, it is posted on the website of a government funded network that is staffed by overpaid unionized employees in a closed shop. No bias there, eh?
The pictures above represent both sides of my trifold brochure, outside panels are on top. The bulleted points are selected from the Libertarian platform. The message I'm driving at, is that we are different from all the other parties and the bulleted points highlight some of the differences. If people really read this over and understood the moral underpinnings of it, how could anyone disagree? That's what make political games.  

Loss of P.E.I. looming - Plans to move Green Gables home to N.B.

Most of Canada will benefit from global warming (click on the map), that is what it says in a new report released today by the National Roundtable on Canada's Future. Unfortunately, as National Post columnist Terence Corcoran reports, Canada may lose a province as sea-levels rise precipitously. Officials commented that the loss of beautiful Prince Edward Island would be a small price to pay for the economic boon that would accrue to the rest of the country. PEI is basically a low elevation sand spit off the coast of New Brunswick. Plans are already afoot behind the scenes to move historic Green Gables (fabled home of Anne pictured right) to Magnetic Hill near Moncton New Brunswick so Canadians will be able to view two historic sites without driving across Confederation Bridge or taking the ferry. Bridge officials are completing studies to licence tourists when the Bridge is converted to a fishing pier in an attempt to recoup the cost of its construction.
Meanwhile in Britain (see video ad below), a new law comes into effect Oct. 1st, that ensures individuals will stop confusing climate and weather. Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, is considering adopting the new law before his term runs out.  

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Election Day minus 32 The beauty of competition...almost

Day 6: Yesterday I mentioned that Elizabeth May (Greens) has been shut out of the leaders debate by a consortium of TV networks. This morning Channel Zero (formerly CHCH TV) offered a full debate with May on their SuperStation. That's the beauty of competition, options and alternatives, I thought. So far no one is biting, May has filed a court challenge so we'll see.
Meanwhile the CBC is getting flak over their Compass questions (see earlier this week). Many are saying its skewed to favour Liberals, no kidding. What about libertarians, we're not even on the chart, as I pointed out on Monday (Day 3).
I keep saying its still cold out, well, this morning there was a dusting of snow around here, so much for global warming. We are one day before opening day for the Blue Jays. On the first opening day 34 years ago it snowed before and during the game, see below. Really not unusual for these parts, but we have a Dome now so it will be shirtsleeves no matter what.

The graph above is from ThreeHundredEight, a blog devoted to tracking polls. Notice the interesting upturn for the redline, the Liberals. Must mean their promises are better. Is Harper in trouble early? We can only hope.
Play ball! :-)

Sensible Political Debate

Who says politics is incomprehensible?
The two below are getting at the naked truth in a one-on-one kitchen debate, and each one is claiming that the other one's diapers is full of you know what.
Keep them away from the cutlery!

<a href=";from=sp&amp;vid=74df78bc-a25f-4ae3-a59b-c1a4b128d6e2" target="_new" title="Twin Baby Boys Have In-Depth Discussion">Video: Twin Baby Boys Have In-Depth Discussion</a>