Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Your government = your mommy

Don't touch those potato chips! Put down that can of soda pop! The government KNOWS whats best for you, trust them.
Seems to me, with all the things government is expected to do, chastising people for bad habits is one less thing it should be doing. Come to think of it, with the huge debts being accumulated by all levels of government on our behalf, there are too many things governments are doing. People should be responsible for themselves as much as possible, don't you think?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rent Control, Race, and Sowell

Uncommon Knowledge is a video series produced by the Hoover Institution. Need your preconceived ideas shaken up? Then give a listen to Thomas Sowell (pictured), and hear what is meant by uncommon knowledge.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Warning, this posting is not politically correct and there is swearing too....

How many recycling containers do you use in your home? Here in my corner of the Great White North we have just a couple that we put out, and think we are doing our bit. But are we?
On garbage day a man on a bike, laden with bags and carriers, cycles through my neighbourhood in suburbia, rain or shine, summer or winter, and picks through the recycling "blue boxes" looking for anything of value. What could there be of value? Well, I can watch this guy through my office window as he picks out beer, wine and liquor bottles because the Provincial government beer store, returns a deposit on them and the man also picks up aluminium cans. Why aluminum? Good question, I'll leave that explanation for Penn Jillette and his colleague Teller. Enjoy, but be warned, there is swearing and it might shake your belief in recycling.

A libertarian tangles with statists on TV

Bill Maher frequently makes me angry and almost as frequently makes me laugh so I watch his weekly Real Time show on HBO. Last week he had as a guest Nick Gillespie of Reason TV, who was hawking his new book The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America
Opposite Nick were, Bill Maher, and several traditional political types - all statists. The fireworks that ensued exposed the weakness of the statist arguments that support the status quo.....or should I say statist quo? Anyway, its interesting to hear all sides in the lively debate: