Friday, December 11, 2009

Petition against Green Protectionism

Would you like to voice your objection to possible arbitrary trade restrictions brought forth in the name of saving the planet? Why not allow the planet to be saved by the only proven method so far in the history of humankind? Click on the link, read the petition, then sign it and pass it on.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The big guy in the sky causes climate change

That's right, the Sun, our neighbourhood star......

The Science is settled on AGW....right?

Wrong. Is it possible that Al Gore is wrong? Is it possible that there are other causes for climate fluctuation? Of course it is. Do yourself a favour and listen to this audio clip from FEE. Last Saturday in a lecture given at FEE HQ in Irvington NY another point of view was voiced. Its worth your while to listen to Dr. Willie Soon.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Are you ready to subsidize pollution?

Yesterday's Globe and Mail Report on Business ran the regular column of Gwyn Morgan. His opinion is always worth reading and frequently puts a different spin on issues of the day. The issue of the day is the potential power and money grab being orchestrated in Copenhagen. How much more are you prepared to pay for fuel? Clink.