Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ontario Libertarian Message 2011

Well, after three different schedule updates, the CBC free time broadcast of my Libertarian message happened rather unexpectedly. I was ready to record the broadcast so that I may post it to my blogs, but as I did that guess what? There I was on TV (at 1:03 am), so I quickly hit the record button but missed the first part of the message. With the magic of some editing, and the little bit I've learned about video making, I present to you the entire message, optimized for audio volume.
The important part of the message is, we need government monopoly less, and competitive choices more. Whether that change comes from a libertarian legislator, or one from another party, is of no consequence. What's important is that governments move toward controlling our lives less and less, and giving people the economic freedom to choose what is best for themselves and their families, more and more.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why should government be involved in health care?

The question of government involvement in Healthcare for Canadians, is never asked during a political debate or during and election campaign.
It is the "elephant in the room," that no politician wants to acknowledge because doing so will make him/her unelectable. So to be elected, the proper approach to take is to agree, yes health care has some problems, but throwing more money at it while eliminating wasteful practices will fix the problems and everything will be wonderful in the future. But the plain facts in Ontario's current election are, that the health care budget will become the largest component of the budget and health care will not improve because demands on it will only increase from here on in.
What's the solution? Clearly something needs to be done, and this video excerpt points to a new beginning.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

CBC FreeTime revised

A few days ago I was complaining that the CBC offer of 2 minutes of free time was to be broadcast when most people are asleep. I guess they heard me, or not.
The time for the TV broadcast has changed, now everyone but the most hardened insomniacs will be sleeping for sure.
If you look at the schedule attached, highlighted in green, you will see Libertarian below 26:57:30. What time is that? Well, the explanation is here: "Television programming operates on a 36-hour clock. Therefore, 26:57:30 is 02:57:30 in the morning. I need to keep the schedule like this as it is used by programming and the times need to match, all of this is very specific (as you can see it is timed to the second)." 
So if you happen to be up a few minutes before 3 am tonight, you'll see it. Yawn.......