Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cutting the government umbilical-cord.

Remember the movie Failure to Launch ostensibly about the grown-up "child" that was reluctant to leave the nest? Today in Freedom Forum, David Krayden writes that the CBC is "the proverbial child who refuses to leave the security of mom and dad’s house, the CBC has shown a definite reluctance to move from state sponsorship to the real world." I couldn't agree more.

Worse than sucking from the government teat to the tune of $1.1 Billion annually, is the constant assault by the CBC mother corp on anything resembling individual liberty and responsibility. And why not?  The CBC wants nothing to do with competition, which is inextricably linked to liberty. Somehow it is the collective responsibility of Canadians to "contribute" to the CBC so it can be the glue that holds this country together. Never mind that all the private broadcasters and their employees have their own incomes taxed to pay for the CBC competition as bizarre as that is. But CBC (and most of the other broadcasters) nurture ideas like continued government funding for the arts, the doom and gloom predictions of global warming, and anything else that pushes the envelope of collectivism in Canadian political thought and society. And you are paying for this!
Have a look at David Krayden's column, and while you are at it, check out Peter Jaworski's view on Government Grants to the Arts where the CBC is mentioned but not in a good way.    

How to destroy an economy, explained in 3 minutes.

The video below is care of my contact at CATO, Dan Mitchell. So, it is specifically directed to the American situation, but it carries a universal message with regard to the action of a government that has unbridled powers.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"On a quick path to ­bankruptcy"

Last year he was dead last at 29.7 out of 100. Deficit Dalton has improved to Ninth spot this year, losing only to Robert Ghiz's PEI for worst performing Premier. This was published in an annual study: Measuring the Fiscal Performance of Canada's Premiers, 2011. That's encouraging but still a major drag on the Canadian economy because of Ontario's size.
column in todays Financial Post by some of the authors of the study claims that: "during McGuinty’s tenure, program spending has grown 7.1% annually — more than twice the average rate of economic growth (3.2%). If an Ontarian family managed its budget the same way — that is, by increasing spending at double the rate of income growth — it would be on a quick path to ­bankruptcy."
The column continues: "in power, the McGuinty government has accumulated $41-billion in deficits with plenty more to come over the next six years ($68-billion)..........(Premier) McGuinty (is) quick to blame the economic downturn for (the) deficits, the reality is (the) current fiscal woes are primarily the result of excessive spending well before the recession." So will McGuinty change his ways if re-elected? You can bet he will be forced to by our increasingly precarious fiscal position.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lies my Premier tells me....

Sick of the Liberal ads yet in this oppressively short election campaign? I am. Especially the ones where Doubtless Dalton stands alone spouting....well, untruths. OK, they're lies.

Lie #1. Ontario has North America's First Full Day kindergarten. Not quiet, this article from the New York Times in Sept 1996 shows it's not really a new idea nor is Ontario the first jurisdiction to try it. It's also not really a good idea, check this and this.

Lie #2. If you watch the entire 30 second YouTube video, each statement is "supported" by "footnotes" in the lower right hand corner. Most of the "support" is from the Ontario Ministry of Education about the good job it's doing as the department responsible for education. Hmmm, kind-of-like self appraisal, giving oneself high marks for doing a good job. I would always give myself high marks, especially if I wanted to keep my job. Good support, eh? Another of the supportive footnotes is from McKinsey & Co. an independent word-wide consulting firm. This company had as one of its Canadian consultants one Jim Coutts. Who is Jim Coutts? He was a Secretary to Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau, both well known Liberals, you remember. Is it possible that the Canadian arm of McKinsey & Co. that ranked Ontario schools among the best in the world has anything to do with the Liberal Party of Ontario? Like maybe some of the staff are Liberals? No! I'm sure that's not possible.....