Friday, July 8, 2011

US unemployment shows stimulus is working.....not!

See the graph? The blue line is the projected rate of unemployment as calculated by the Obama administration given the amount of "stimulus" that has been added to the economy in the US. The little dot points? Well, thats reality, and reality bites.
The graph came from Dan Mitchell's (CATO Inst.) blog. Have a look here, then come back and see the video below.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Now this is Green!

If ever a picture could convey a thousand words this one does. Is this the future of solar power? Forget future, it's the present in Germany. This blog from an American engineer living in northern Germany, an AGW skeptic, reveals much about what happens when a government goes nuts trying to pander to environmental lobby groups. Of course this should concern all of us in Ontario, where the Liberals have bought into AGW hook-line-and-sinker. Check out the blog and let this guy know he is not alone.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Limited Government

In Canada, the US and much of the world, the concept of limited government is as foreign as Martian soil. Ask someone on the street or a friend what is meant by limited government, and you will get contorted faces, quizzical looks and maybe a response like "does it mean they have limited liability." Sadly, no! Governments today somehow believe they are liable, that is, responsible for everything, everything.
That fellow in the picture, Wilfrid Laurier, may have been Canada's last Prime Minister who understood the meaning of limited government.
The video below is my attempt to capture the essence of the Ontario state, its size and scope in under two minutes.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Ideology? What ideology?

From the excellent parody website:
One of my pet peeves, and there aren't that many, occurs when members of the statist media, or Statists themselves refer to libertarian friendly comments as "ideological." So when Canadian P.M. Stephen Harper, no libertarian he, advocated the removal of the mandatory long form 2011 Census, or the removal of the per voter government subsidy to federal political parties, he was reviled for being ideological. This was coming from statists who somehow felt THEY were not being ideological. Of course not, they were just repeating the media bullshit (we call that the CBC here) and supporting the dominant paradigm.
What is that dominant paradigm? Essentially its one or other form of collectivism, socialist, communist, fascist, Liberal, Conservative, it doesn't matter they are the pretty much all the same expect in degree.
So here is another election ad, this one about windmills and the ideology of environmentalism. It fits in with other forms of collectivism only its green on the outside and kinda red inside.
Happy Fourth, to my American readers!